About Me

A simple girl that adores her family, loves cooking and a nutritionist that’s trying to promote awareness about nutrition and healthy life style :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Be positive!

For the past few days I was complaining about me being sick for my sisters " am sick, I think I have fever, bala3mee etwe3rnee -my throat hurts-, my nose hurts I want a new nose!" and I just kept saying this! Until today I realized that won't help! Complaining won't help! I need to be positive get out of bed and live a normal life! And it really worked! Convincing your body that you're ok will make you feel better!

The same thing goes for people who are on a diet I always hear people saying! Am fat I can't do it! Or I will start next Saturday! If you want to lose weight you can do it! And if you don’t want to! You just keep complaining.

Starting a healthy lifestyle do not need a fixed time to start it if you want to start do it now! There is nothing hard just BE POSTIVE and always remember eating right means a brighter life.


  1. its amazing how can positive thinking change the mood and accomplish the impossible ....its even cure illness

    there is a very nice book i recommend it to u
    isma (( change ur life in 7 days)) dr paul mackena

    u should read it will transform the human in a wonderful way :)

  2. yeaaah it is! thank youuuu very much ! i`ll read it enshalaaaaaah :)

  3. Hi Sarah!

    Linked to your blog and no truer words have been spoken.

    I was diagnosed 18 months ago as prediabetic with already high blood pressure. Once I got my thoughts around it I took my stubborn head and started drinking lots of water (no more sodas), cut way back on sugar and salts, and to my surprise was no longer prediabetic after 3 months of work. Still am working on getting rid of the blood pressure medications, but that is getting better too (something better be changing inside as well as out with a 75 pound weight loss :P).

    I think the most important thing, at least to me was, not getting mad at myself if I didn't do well, just got up the next morning stronger to do better.

    Keep up the great work! I will be following you.

    Mary Jo (Merry Berry)

  4. that Great! Merry berry ;D am so happy for you ;* with a healthy life style you can change everything !

    thanks for ur comment ;*

  5. absolutely right :]

  6. thanks for ur comment dear :)
